Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving To All!

Our Thanksgiving feast was a huge success thanks to all the help from the families!
We ended the day with a Blessing Mix and a movie(we tried to save some to share!)
Certainly a perfect ending to a perfect feast...Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Books

We have been working hard to complete a Thanksgiving book to read on Thanksgiving Day! Don't forget to share!

Happy Birthday Will!

Will is 7! Thanks for sharing your birthday with us Will! The cupcakes were yummy!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We know that Thanksgiving is a time for giving and thinking of others. With our buddies we made Thanksgiving placemats for nursing homes and Meals On Wheels.

There's an ANT in ANTonym!

Did you know there is an "ant" in antonym? Well,there is! We've been practicing antonyms and learning about organisms in science. We decided to put an ant on our antonym headbands(even though we have been getting some weird looks!)Today our guppies and snails came! We prepared habitats for them and the beetles- let the observing begin!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Our STAR this week is Katherine. She won a trophy playing soccer and shared it with us! One of her favorite things to do is...you guessed it! Play soccer!
Once we interview Katherine, we'll be able to report more news. Stay tuned...


*Look for a new Homelink(unit 4)coming home on Wednesday.
*We have been learning what antonyms are...ask us!
*We started our Organisms unit in science. Ask us what an organism is...you'll be surprised how much we know! We also planted seeds and will be observing them; we hope to be bringing them home for Thanksgiving!:)
*Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday...thanks to all who are able to help out!
*No STAR next week; will start again on December 1st with Jacob.
*Thanks to everyone for such great conferences(it's no wonder I have such an awesome class!)


Mrs.Davenport has been helping us deal with conflict by showing us some coping skills we are able to use in real life situations. She certainly starts our week off just right! Thank you Mrs.Davenport!

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Wall Words

Word Families:

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mystery Readers!

Yes! We had two Mystery Readers! What a nice surprise! Mrs.Bumbaugh read One Fish, Two Fish,Red Fish, Blue Fish to us. We had fun listening and enjoyed a red fish, blue fish and goldfish treat together.
To end our day, Mrs.Ringler surprised us with two really funny books: Thomas'Snowsuit and The Pet from the Black Lagoon. Definietly ones to check-out and read again!

A New Recorder!

Henry was our recorder today for Miles. Great job Henry!
We found out about Miles and all his favorite things. One of them is his father's homemade smoothies(I think Miles volunteered to bring them in for the whole class!)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Our New Star!

Our STAR for this week is Miles! Did you know that Miles and Mr.Maldonado were both Zorro for Halloween? He also has a puppy named Nutmeg, how cute is that?


We told our buddies about our Pumpkin, Pumpkin books...well, they had an idea after that! We learned how to read them into our computers using microphones. Now we can share them with you at conferences! It was really cool! All of us did such a good job, they had us recite the pledge for them for a project they were doing!

Mystery Reader!

Most of us guessed the mystery reader because of one of the clues: she had a boy in class who was silly and liked to make up games. We knew it had to be Henry's mom! Mrs.Berthal read a family favorite, The Kissing Hand.
She finished her visit by giving us all 2 kisses...(Hershey's that is!)

Words for the week of November10th

Check out the new words on our rings! Remember you can put them into a spelling test to give yourself under starfall.com.
New Wall Words:

Word families:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Party!

Check out some pictures are from our Halloween Party!