Thursday, October 30, 2008


*October reading logs are due Monday, November 3rd.
*No Math Homelinks until Monday, November3rd-we haven't revisited telling time by the half hour and would like to do that with the kids before their homelink.
*New Wall Words next week-we took a review week and practiced all of our short vowel sounds. We made and read a lot of words with our vowel sounds...go ahead and test us!
*New science kits next week-any volunteers to check it in?:)
*Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!

We Voted!

The fifth graders set up their classrooms to look like election polls! we went to exercise our right to vote! We will find out Friday who the kids at Beverly would like for our next President!


Our STAR this week is Gabby Bumbaugh. Did you know that one of Gabby's favorite places to go is the Toledo Zoo? We all agreed that would be a great field trip!

Who was our Recorder?

Emma Labarre was our recorder for Our Star, Gabby, this week. She did an awesome job! She used bullets for her comments and questions from her audience. She remembered it's the 1st draft and kid spelling was perfect...Yeah Emma! P.S. Amanda, you were a good teacher! Thanks!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Our "tailgate" party was SO much fun! Thanks to our room moms who helped organize and bring goodies! We made flags, got tatoos, created a graham cracker goal post with lots of yummy frosting, and learned the fight songs. The best was when we versed each other(Miss Wilde led the STATE fans and Mrs.Wanicke lead the MICHIGAN fans) with the fight songs and cheers through the halls of Beverly! We weren't really sure who had the loudest cheers! GO BLUE! GO GREEN!

A,E,I,and O

We've been learning our short vowels and then using them to help us spell words. We decided to make a headband with short e words because that short e can be really tricky to hear! I think we outsmarted that e!

Star of the Week

This week we started having a child, instead of me, be the recorder for our STAR. Amanda volunteered to be our very first recorder...she did a great job! Each child will have a chance to be the recorder; and read back what they wrote. Then the class has more information to write a personal note to our STAR.

Mystery Reader!

We learned about the bones in our body...did you know your head bone is connected to your spine bone? Then we each got a bag of bones! Before we could eat them, we did a fun math paper! Next week we plan to shake them bones! Thanks Mrs. Pierce!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fourth Grade Learning Buddies!

We are buddies with Mr.Maldonado's fourth grade class. We met today for a "Monster Math" project. Soon we'll have a class of Frankensteins to hang outside our room!

Star of the Week!

Henry is our STAR this week! Henry loves revisiting his pictures from when he was a baby- come in a take a peek!


We made pointers for reading! Thanks moms who helped...we love our pointers! We are reading books, poems, and anything we can find to read around the room!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Reading and Math...we are learning so much!

Our reading groups are really taking off! An envelope with a book/s will begin coming home with your child during the week. Please look over the assignment with your child and make sure to return the book and assignment the next day! It will have a label that says"Bag-O-Books" on it -(that sounded better than "Envelope-O-Books")!

In math we are ready for our next assessment! We will review and take it next week; then on to Unit3! In Unit 3 we will explore even and odd number patterns, begin the concept of subtraction, and even practice some of our equations using the calculators!

Words this Week

Watch for a "ring" of words to come home next week! We'll start practicing spelling them too!

Star of the Week

Will Baughman is our STAR this week! Did you know he loves baseball and the color orange?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friendship Salad

We ended our week with a special treat-Friendship Salad. We put in different fruit to represent the learners in our class(the bowl represented our classroom) and discussed what makes a good working team. I brought a rotten banana to add, but the kids decided that wouldn't make the salad tasty at all and to leave it out...just like when someone tries to spoil our working environment. Thanks to parents who donated plates, spoons, yogurt, marshmallows and a big thanks to Mrs. Stempien for the fruit and having it cut up and ready! The kids and I enjoyed it SO much, we were thinking we should do this once a week....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We are becoming READERS and WRITERS!

We have been practicing our words, word families, and our vowel sounds. This is leading us right into reading and writing! It is fun listening to each other read and to hear their stories they are creating! Keep it up!

Science Rocks!

We studied sand through our lenses and then added water to each of our sand filled vials. Aidan put them on the window ledge for us in hopes that we'll find silt on the top of our sand/water combination tomorrow! Only time will tell...

This Weeks Wall Words/Word Family

Word Family

Miley's Birthday in California!

I certainly missed all of my class, but the party was pretty incredible! The hardest part of all was trying to keep up with 3 sixteen year olds...not easy! I've decided six and seven year olds are much easier(or at least more fun)!

Michael is our STAR this week. We can't wait to find out new and fun things about Michael! We already know his favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham by Dr.Seuss.

Friday, October 3, 2008


We made clocks today! Our clocks have hour hands only-guess we'll have add the minute hand next week! We have been practicing counting by 5's and 2's...keep practicing!
No HomeLink today or Monday.

Mystery Reader

Today we had Mrs.DeRonne read to us Diary of a did she know we are going to have Mrs.Pepper from the Environmental Center here on Monday to talk to us about soil and WORMS! Guess what she brought us? WORMS! Don't worry, they weren't real!